Track in real time every movement of goods by checking the position of the forklifts used for handling, eliminating any process of reading the barcode through the adoption of RFID technology, and without the need to insert the transponder on the object moved.
Track+Race® is developed by Indyon Gmbh
It is structured with floor-mounted passive transponders in areas that have normal Wi-Fi network coverage.
The transponders are guaranteed for 10 years, are maintenance-free, easy to apply and have an operating range between -25° and +60°.
It is capable of reading the transponders, determining the position of the handling means and the object in space, and giving precise and intuitive instructions to the operator.
The hardware can be installed on any handling means, be it new or used, provided that it is equipped with a power supply.
It is capable of supervising and rationalising the handling operations; it is intuitive and easy to integrate.
How Track+Race® Works
Any loading unit that enters the logistic process needs to be declared only the first time it is handled with the Track+Race system.
The handling means equipped with specific hardware moves on an appropriately mapped surface with transponders positioned on the floor.
The antenna on the handling means acquires its position by reading the transponders, also determining the position of the object transported, which is arranged and sorted in the physical world in three dimensions and stored in the Track+Race® database.
All the subsequent movements do not require barcode scanning or typing in any data, but every movement is recorded and displayed in real-time by the dedicated software.
How Track+Race® is integrated
Track+Race® Race is easily integrated in any corporate information system.
The software modules are scalable and allow having different levels of control: from simply controlling the position of the handling means to controlling the position of the object in space and to supervision through a module also capable of optimising all the resources engaged in the handling processes.
Advantages of Track+Race®
- It manages product location in real-time without needing to input it into the system (typing/scanning), consequently reducing the search and identification times and the possibilities of error.
- It can be easily integrated in any stage of the production and logistics processes, simplifying operation management and control.
- It controls and optimises batch/loading unit handling and identification operations.
- It easily and quickly adapts to changes and expansions of the factory, warehouse and yard layouts.
- It optimally exploits the space available in the three dimensions.
- It controls and manages the warehouse resources (space/men/handling means) in real-time and coordinates the fleets also monitoring the products as they cross the warehouse.
Suddividere il magazzino in aree
By combining Track+Race®, RFID transponder and USB Safe Keyyou can design and divide the warehouse into specific areas for the operators, the handling means and the products transported in an easy and fully customisable way.
Track+Race® graphic 3D Interface
The “Supervisor” SW module allows keeping under control and optimising all the warehouse operations, displaying the information in a three-dimensional synoptic panel that reproduces in real-time what actually happens so that you can interact with the human resources/handling means available.
The operators are guided through graphic instructions on the terminal onboard the handling means. Each movement sequence and accuracy is automatically controlled without the operator having to interact, guaranteeing enhanced performance, comfort and safety.
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